The Samenwerkingsovereenkomst (SOK in short) (Cooperation Agreement in English) is an agreement between DUWO, De Eerste Kamer and our fellow tenants’ organisations Tenants Association BRES (Leiden), Vereniging Bewoners Uilenstede (Amstelveen) and WijWonen (Delft). The agreement gives us, DUWO tenants’ organisations, the opportunity to be involved in DUWO’s operational management. For example, new requests for advice from DUWO will be provided with feedback in advance. This also includes thematic meetings on, for example, sustainability, rental costs and the ratio of regular-international students. In short, the agreement is an important added value to our rights and obligations under the Consultation Act.
Cooperation Agreement (Dutch)The undersigned tenants’ organisations have also formed a cooperation agreement with each other, the so-called Samenwerkende Huurdersorganisaties (SHO for short) (Cooperating Tenants’ Organisations in English), which has been defined in the Vision Document. The vision document offers a (practical) addition to the agreements within the Samenwerkingsovereenkomst. This includes setting up the internal cooperation and appointing a joint external advisor.
Vision Document (Dutch)