National Monitor Student Housing 2020
The National Student Housing Monitor 2020 is out now! Every year, Kences, the branch organization of social student housing corporations, conducts a large-scale survey among students about their housing needs. Based on these figures, prognoses are made about the future demand for student housing, so that corporations such as DUWO can respond to this. A picture is painted of the size, composition and expected developments for the next 8 years of the student population and student housing. In the survey results of 2020, some interesting findings have emerged.
In The Hague only half of the students live in housing that is really made for students – interesting, because that means that structurally there is only housing for half of all students. And yet the number of students in The Hague continues to grow steadily. The educational institutions – Leiden University and The Hague University of Applied Sciences – are keen to see an increase in the number of students and pupils, although the student housing market is only getting tighter. Although none of this sounds very hopeful, The Hague is one of the cities where the most student housing will be built. According to Kences, the supply will certainly be increased by 50 percent before 2024.
In The Hague, 20 percent of all students come from abroad – often these students live in The Hague only temporarily. After 3 to 4 years they have completed their studies. Sometimes they even stay for a shorter period of time. Kences indicates that it is important to them that housing is available for international students from the day they arrive.
Both DUWO and De Eerste Kamer make use of these figures and base their policies on these surveys. De Eerste Kamer carefully analyzes the student’s wishes and writes formal recommendations to DUWO. Based on the prognoses of the demand for housing, DUWO tries to form an appropriate rent policy. In short, the national student housing monitor is very valuable to several parties.
Read the entire monitor here or watch the webinar, in which various parties discuss the results.